What we do

What do we do?

Every dog that enters te salon is treated
according to its specific needs.

This involves looking at the coat type of the dog,
but also at the condition of the coat and the skin.

First the dogs are cleaned and pampered in the bath.

Cleanse, hydrate, revitalize color, add volume,...
Depending on what the coat requires, the shampoo is chosen to measure.
In the salon we work with top products from Igroom, K9 and Show Tech +.

Hair masks are also often used in the grooming salon.
These moisturize the coat and make it easy to comb.
They give a nice shine and softness and also provide protection to the coat.

These are also custom chosen and will nourish both the skin and the coat.
The hair mask contains all vitamins, proteins and nutrients to bring a coat in top condition.
This makes the trim a real luxury treatment.


After the bath, the dogs are dried with a force dryer and then the hair is blow-dried tightly to fall elegantly or to become very voluminous, depending on the coat.

Finally, we trim the fur into the desired model, the feet are shaved, the groin and the pee are cleaned, if necessary, and we cut the nails.

When scissoring the coat, it is important that the skin always remains covered so that it does not lose its protection.

Dogs that shed (dogs with a double coat) are deshed during and after force-drying and blow-drying.
This means that any excess dead undercoat that is loose in the coat at the time of grooming is removed by blowing, brushing, combing and/or stripping.
This will make the coat light again and it will be able to insulate well
against both the heat and  the cold.

Dogs with a double coat can be modeled but should not be scissored too short.
If the undercoat of these dogs is cut, the structure of the hairs can be damaged and there is a good chance that they will no longer shed correctly.
The insulating function can also be partially or completely lost.

First acquaintance

When is the best time to bring my dog in for their first groom?

The answer is the same for every dog: as soon as possible!
If a puppy is introduced to the grooming salon at a young age, 
the chances are much greater that it will be relaxed in the salon later in life.

A dog that comes to the grooming salon for the first time is exposed to an overwhelming amount of new stimuli.
a whole lot of new smells, the bath, standing (still) on the table, the dryer...
It can all be overwhelming for a dog that is not yet familiar with the salon.
that's why it's important for them to come to the salon at a young age for familiarization.

During the first grooming session, the dog is washed, dried and brushed.
If the dog allows it, the feet are trimmed.
Trimmingg other parts can be postponed until the dog is ready, usually during a subsequent grooming session.
this prevents overstimulation of the dog, but also because trimmeng a lively puppy that is not yet accustomed to it can be dangerous.

The most important thing in this first introduction is that the dog can get used to all the devices and sounds.

Puppybeurt Milo
In-between grooming

The in-between grooming is intended for dogs with a scissored coat.

For those who have trouble keeping up with their dog's fur at home
between 2 trims. Or those who just like to have their four-legged friend always
walk around with a radiant coat, an in-between grooming is recommended.

During this appointment the nails are cut, the dog is washed, detangled
and some ends will be clipped if necessary.
The hair mask is also always included in the in-between session.